Authing 隐私政策 / Authing Privacy Policy
Authing 隐私政策
本版更新日期:2021 年 12 月 10 日
欢迎使用北京蒸汽记忆科技有限公司(下称" Authing ")提供的产品和服务! Authing (或简称"我们")深知个人信息对您的重要性,我们一向庄严承诺保护使用我们的产品和服务(以下统称" Authing 服务")之用户(以下统称"用户"或"您")的个人信息及隐私安全。您在使用 Authing 服务时,我们可能会收集和使用您的相关个人信息(或简称"个人信息")。 《 Authing 隐私政策》(以下简称"本政策")适用于我们提供的 Authing 服务, 未满十八周岁的用户,请在法定监护人的陪同下阅读本政策,并特别注意未成年人使用条款。特别地,如果您是未满 14 周岁的儿童,还应请您的监护人仔细阅读本政策,经监护人同意后,您方可使用 Authing 服务。 我们希望通过本政策向您说明我们在收集和使用您相关个人信息时对应的处理规则,以及我们为您提供的访问、更正、删除和保护这些个人信息的方式,以便更好的保障您的权益。
适用范围:(a)在您使用 Authing 服务,或访问 Authing 服务相关的网页时, Authing 自动接收并记录的您的浏览器和计算机上的信息,包括但不限于您的 IP 地址、浏览器的类型、使用的语言、访问日期和时间、软硬件特征信息及您需求的网页记录等数据;(b) Authing 通过合法途径从商业伙伴处取得的用户个人数据。
您了解并同意,以下信息不适用本隐私权政策:(a)在使用 Authing 服务提供的搜索服务时输入的关键字信息;(b) Authing 收集到的您在 Authing 服务发布的有关信息数据,包括但不限于参与活动、成交信息及评价详情;(c)违反法律规定或违反 Authing 服务规则行为及 Authing 已对您采取的措施。
二、我们如何使用 Cookies 或同类技术
【特别提示】请您在使用 Authing 服务前,仔细阅读(未成年人请在监护人陪同下阅读)并了解本政策(特别是加粗或下划线标注的内容),以做出适当选择。一旦您使用或在我们更新本政策后继续使用我们的产品或服务,即意味着您同意本政策并同意我们按照本政策处理您的相关个人信息。
本政策适用于 Authing 服务,如与 Authing 与您之间的《专业服务合同》同类条款之约定存在不一致的,以本政策为准。如我们提供的某一单项服务不适用本政策的,该服务中会以适当方式明示排除适用本政策。
我们收集您的个人信息主要是为了您和其他用户能够更容易和更满意地使用 Authing 服务。而这些个人信息有助于我们实现这一目标。
(1)您在注册 Authing 服务的帐号或使用 Authing 服务时,向我们提供的个人信息,包括您的手机号码,并且您可以自愿选择填写您的昵称、头像、性别、年龄、学历、学校、身份证号码、收件人姓名、收件人联系方式、收货地址基本信息。如果您仅需使用浏览、了解 Authing ,您不需要注册账户及提供上述信息。如果您不提供这些信息,并不会影响您使用 Authing 的基本功能;
(2)您通过 Authing 服务向其他方提供的共享个人信息,以及您使用 Authing 服务时所储存的个人信息。
请注意,如您在 Authing 服务中其他用户可见的公开区域内上传或发布的个人信息中、您对其他人上传或发布的信息作出的回应中公开您的个人信息,该等个人信息可能会被他人收集并加以使用,只要您不删除您所公开或共享的个人信息,有关个人信息可能一直留存在公众领域;即使您删除共享个人信息,有关个人信息仍可能由其他用户或不受我们控制的第三方独立地缓存、复制或储存,或由其他用户或该等第三方在公众领域保存。如您将个人信息通过上述渠道公开或共享,由此造成您的个人信息泄露,我们不承担责任。因此,我们提醒并请您慎重考虑是否通过上述渠道公开或共享您的个人信息。当您发现他人不正当地收集或使用您的个人信息时,您可以通过本政策第九条【如何联系我们】约定的联系方式联络我们。
2、其他方分享的您的个人信息。亦即其他方使用 Authing 服务时所提供有关您的共享个人信息。
3、我们获取的您的个人信息。您在使用 Authing 服务时,我们收集、汇总、记录的个人信息。
为便于我们为您提供完整的 Authing 服务,您需要提供基本注册或登录个人信息,包括使用手机号码注册登录或提供第三方账号登录 Authing 。如果您仅需使用浏览、查询、搜索等基本服务,您不需要注册成为 Authing 用户及提供上述个人信息。
(1)日志信息:当您使用我们的服务时,我们可能会自动收集您对我们服务的详细使用情况,作为有关网络日志保存。日志信息包括您的登录账号、搜索查询内容、IP 地址、浏览器的类型、电信运营商、网络环境、使用的语言、访问日期和时间及您访问的网页浏览记录、Push 打开记录、崩溃记录、停留时长、刷新记录、发布记录、关注、订阅、收藏及分享。
(2)设备信息:我们可能会根据您在软件安装及使用中授予的具体权限,接收并记录您所使用的设备相关信息(包括设备标识符( IMEI / MAC / OPEN UDID )、Serial、SIM 卡 IMSI 识别码、设备机型、操作系统及版本、客户端版本、设备分辨率、包名、设备设置、进程及软件列表、Android ID、IDFA、UUID、软硬件特征信息)、设备所在位置相关信息(包括 IP 地址、GPS 位置以及能够提供相关个人信息的 WLAN 接入点、蓝牙和基站传感器信息)。
(1)个人信息的分享与发布:您在使用 Authing 服务时、上传和/或发布个人信息以及进行相关行为时,我们将收集您上传、发布或形成的个人信息,并有权展示您的昵称、头像和发布内容。
(2)商品或服务交付:当您在我们的商品或服务中订购具体商品或服务时,我们会通过系统为您生成购买该商品或服务的订单。为便于向您交付您在 Authing 购买的商品或服务,您可能需提供收货人个人身份信息、姓名、购买者主体及相关信息、订购人、联系电话、支付状态信息。如果您拒绝提供此类个人信息,我们将无法完成相关交付服务。如您通过 Authing 服务为其他人订购商品或服务,您需要提供该实际订购人的前述个人信息。向我们提供该实际订购人的前述个人信息之前,您需确保您已经取得其授权同意。
在您使用 Authing 服务时, Authing 将会收集、储存您上传的图片、语音信息,我们的相关识别程序会对这些数据进行处理分析。
(4)订单管理:为展示您的账户的订单信息及保障您的售后权益, Authing 会收集您在使用 Authing 过程中产生的订单信息、交易和消费记录用于向您展示及便于您对订单进行管理。
我们可能从管理关联方、第三方合作伙伴获取您授权共享的相关个人信息。我们可能从第三方获取您授权共享的账户信息(头像、昵称、登录时间)并在您同意本政策后将您的第三方账户与您的 Authing 服务账户绑定,使您可以通过第三方账户直接登录并使用我们的产品与/或服务。我们将在符合相关法律法规规定,并依据与关联方或第三方合作伙伴的约定、确信其提供的个人信息来源合法的前提下,收集并使用您的这些个人信息。
为提高您使用我们及合作伙伴提供服务的安全性,保护您或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,更好地预防钓鱼网站、欺诈、网络漏洞、计算机病毒、网络攻击、网络侵入等安全风险,更准确地识别违反法律法规或 Authing 服务相关协议规则的情况,我们可能会收集、使用或整合您的账户信息、交易信息、设备信息、日志信息以及我们关联公司、合作伙伴取得您授权或依据法律共享的个人信息,来综合判断您账户及交易风险、进行身份验证、检测及防范安全事件,并依法采取必要的记录、审计、分析、处置措施。
10、您理解并同意, Authing 服务可能需要您在您的设备中开启特定的访问权限,以实现这些权限所涉及个人信息的收集和使用:
二、我们如何使用 Cookies 或同类技术
(一) Cookies
我们或我们的第三方合作伙伴可能通过 Cookies 获取和使用您的个人信息,并将该等个人信息储存为日志信息。
通过使用 Cookies ,我们向您提供简单易行并富个性化的网络体验。一个 Cookies 是少量的数据,它们从一个网络服务器送至您的浏览器并存在计算机硬盘上。我们使用 Cookies 是为了让您可以受益。比如,为使得 Authing 的登录过程更快捷,您可以选择把用户名存在一个 Cookies 中。这样下次当您要登录 Authing 的服务时能更加方便快捷。Cookies 能帮助我们确定您连接的页面和内容,您在 Authing 特定服务上花费的时间和您所选择的 Authing 服务。
Cookies 使得我们能更好、更快地为您服务,并且使您在 Authing 服务上的经历更富个性化。然而,您应该能够控制 Cookies 是否以及怎样被你的浏览器接受。请查阅您的浏览器附带的文件以获得更多这方面的信息。
我们和第三方合作伙伴可能通过 Cookies 收集和使用您的个人信息,并将该等个人信息储存。
我们使用自己的 Cookies ,可能用于以下用途:
(1)记住您的身份。Cookies 有助于我们辨认您作为我们的注册用户的身份,或保存您向我们提供有关您的喜好或其他个人信息;
(2)分析您使用我们服务的情况。我们可利用 Cookies 来了解您使用 Authing 服务进行什么活动、或哪些服务或服务最受欢迎;
(3)广告优化。 Cookies 有助于我们根据您的个人信息,向您提供与您相关的广告而非进行普遍的广告投放。
我们为上述目的使用 Cookies 的同时,可能将通过 Cookies 收集的非个人身份信息汇总提供给广告商和其他伙伴,用于分析您和其他用户如何使用 Authing 服务并用于广告服务。
Authing 服务上可能会有广告商和其他合作方放置的 Cookies 。这些 Cookies 可能会收集与您相关的非个人身份信息,以用于分析用户如何使用该等服务、向您发送您可能感兴趣的广告,或用于评估广告服务的效果。这些第三方 Cookies 收集和使用该等个人信息不受本政策约束,而是受到其自身的个人信息保护声明约束,我们不对第三方的 Cookies 承担责任。
您可以通过浏览器或用户选择机制拒绝或管理 Cookies 。但请您注意,如果您停用 Cookies ,我们有可能无法为您提供最佳的服务体验,某些服务也可能无法正常使用。同时,您仍然将收到广告,只是这些广告与您的相关性会降低。
除 Cookies 外,我们还会在网站上使用网站信标和像素标签等其他同类技术。例如,我们向您发送的电子邮件可能含有链接至我们网站内容的地址链接,如果您点击该链接,我们则会跟踪此次点击,帮助我们了解您的产品或服务偏好以便于我们主动改善客户服务体验。网站信标通常是一种嵌入到网站或电子邮件中的透明图像。借助于电子邮件中的像素标签,我们能够获知电子邮件是否被打开。如果您不希望自己的活动以这种方式被追踪,则可以随时从我们的寄信名单中退订。
6、在法律法规允许的范围内,为了遵守法律、维护我们及我们的关联方或合作伙伴、您或其他 Authing 用户或社会公众利益、财产或安全免遭损害,比如为防止欺诈等违法活动和减少信用风险,我们可能与其他公司和组织交换个人信息。不过,这并不包括违反本政策中所作的承诺而为获利目的出售、出租、共享或以其它方式披露的个人信息。
(一)我们仅在本政策所述目的所必需期间和法律法规及监管规定的时限内保存您的个人信息, Authing 判断前述期限的标准包括:
2、保证 Authing 为您提供服务的安全和质量;
在您的个人信息超出保留期间后, Authing 会根据适用法律的要求删除您的个人信息,或使其匿名化处理(如您为未成年人,在您的个人信息超出保留期间后, Authing 会按照相关法律法规要求对您的个人信息进行相应处理)。如因特殊情形无法按照相关要求删除的,平台将对该部分事项向您进行说明。
请您理解,由于技术的限制以及风险防范的局限,即便我们已经尽量加强安全措施,也无法始终保证个人信息百分之百的安全。您需要了解,您接入 Authing 服务所用的系统和通讯网络,有可能因我们可控范围外的情况而发生问题。
我们鼓励您更新和修改您的个人信息以使其更准确有效,也请您理解,您更正、删除、撤回授权或停止使用 Authing 服务的决定,并不影响我们此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。
4、如果我们不再为您提供 Authing 服务。
您总是可以选择是否披露个人信息。有些个人信息是使用 Authing 服务所必需的,但大多数其他个人信息的提供是由您决定的。您可以通过"本条(一)访问、更正您的个人信息"中列明的方式"删除个人信息、关闭设备功能或注销账号等方式改变您授权我们继续收集个人信息的范围或通过本政策第九条【如何联系我们】约定的联系方式联络我们撤回您的授权,一般情况下,我们将在十五天内予以回复。
如果您不再使用 Authing 服务,在符合服务协议约定条件及国家相关法律法规规定的情况下,您可以通过登录" Authing "-"个人中心"-"安全等级"-"账号注销"所示的流程或本政策第九条【如何联系我们】约定的联系方式联络我们注销您的账号,一般情况下,我们将在十五个工作日内为您注销账号,届时我们将停止为您提供 Authing 服务。当您的帐号注销或被删除后,与该帐号相关的 Authing 服务项下的全部服务资料和数据将被删除或匿名化处理,但法律法规另有规定的除外。
(六)获取个人信息副本:您可以通过邮箱 服务渠道联系我们并且告知我们您想要获取您的个人信息副本,一般情况下,我们将在收到您的问题之日起十五天内予以回复。
Authing 服务可能链接至第三方提供的社交媒体或其他服务(包括网站或其他服务形式)。包括:
(一)您可利用"分享"键将某些 Authing 服务内容分享到第三方服务,或您将第三方服务内容分享到 Authing 。这些功能可能会收集您的信息(包括您的日志信息),并可能在您的电脑装置 Cookies,从而正常运行上述功能;
(三)其他接入第三方服务的情形。为实现本政策中声明的目的,我们可能会接入第三方服务商提供的 SDK 或其他类似的应用程序,并将我们依照本政策收集的您的某些信息共享给该等第三方服务商,以便提供更好的客户服务和用户体验。目前,我们接入的第三方服务商主要包括以下几种类型:
(2)用于消息推送功能,包括手机厂商 Push 推送、特定事件提醒等;
我们接入的部分第三方 SDK 或类似应用程序可能会收集您的个人信息,如您在我们的服务中使用这类由第三方提供的服务时,您同意将由其直接收集和处理您的信息。我们会评估这类第三方服务收集个人信息的合法性、正当性、必要性,要求该等第三方对您的个人信息采取保护措施,并严格遵守相关法律法规与监管要求。您也可以选择通过本政策"如何联系我们"章节所列的反馈渠道联系我们,我们会尽快为您作出解答。
如您为未满 18 周岁的未成年人的,请务必让您的监护人仔细阅读本政策,并在征得您的监护人同意的前提下使用我们的服务或向我们提供个人信息。我们将根据国家相关法律法规的规定保护未成年人的相关个人信息。如监护人发现相关未成年人个人信息为未成年人自行填写,需要进行修改或删除处理的,请随时与我们联系。
特别地,若您是 14 周岁以下的儿童,请您通知您的监护人,并在您使用 Authing 服务、提交个人信息之前,寻求其同意和指导。
我们可能适时修改本政策的条款,该等修改构成本政策的一部分。对于重大变更,我们会提供更显著的通知,您如果不同意该等变更,可以选择停止使用 Authing 服务;如您仍然继续使用 Authing 服务的,即表示同意受经修订的本政策的约束。
我们鼓励您在每次使用 Authing 服务时都查阅我们的隐私政策。
如果出现纠纷,双方协商一致解决;如果双方无法通过协商解决争端,则双方同意由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(简称" CIETAC ")根据 CIETAC 有效的仲裁规则以及适用法律在中国北京进行仲裁,仲裁语言为中文,并由3名仲裁员进行审理。
北京蒸汽记忆科技有限公司的联系地址为:北京市朝阳区北辰世纪中心 B 座 16 层。我们将按照本政策保护您的个人信息。
我们指定了个人信息保护专门人员,如您有关于个人信息安全的投诉和举报,或您对本政策、您的个人信息的相关事宜有任何问题、意见或建议,以及有关本政策或 Authing 的隐私措施的问题,请与我们联系:电话:400-6197-031;邮箱地址: 。
Authing Privacy Policy
Update date: December 10, 2021
Welcome to use the products and services provided by Beijing Steamory Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Authing"). Authing (or "we" for short) is well aware of the importance of personal information to you, and we have always solemnly promised to protect users who use our products and services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Authing services") (hereinafter collectively referred to as "users" or "you") Personal information and privacy security. When you use the Authing service, we may collect and use your personal information (or "personal information" for short). "Authing Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") applies to the Authing service we provide. Users under the age of 18, please read this policy with a legal guardian, and pay special attention to the terms of use for minors. In particular, if you are a child under the age of 14, you should also ask your guardian to read this policy carefully, and you can use the Authing service only with the consent of the guardian. We hope to use this policy to explain to you the corresponding processing rules when we collect and use your personal information, as well as the ways we can provide you with access, correction, deletion and protection of this personal information, so as to better protect your rights and interests .
Scope of application: (a) When you use the Authing service or visit the webpage related to the Authing service, Authing automatically receives and records the information on your browser and computer, including but not limited to your IP address and browser type , The language used, the date and time of the visit, the software and hardware feature information, and the webpage records you need; (b) Authing obtains user personal data from business partners through legal means.
You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this privacy policy: (a) Keyword information entered when using the search service provided by the Authing service; (b) The relevant information and data collected by Authing that you publish on the Authing service, including But it is not limited to participation in activities, transaction information and evaluation details; (c) Violation of legal provisions or violations of Authing service rules and the measures Authing has taken against you.
This policy will help you understand the following:
1. How we collect and use your personal information
2. How do we use Cookies or similar technologies
3. Personal information that we may share, transfer and disclose
4. How do we keep, store and protect the security of your personal information
5. How to manage your personal information
6. third-party services
7. Protection of minors
8. Notice and Amendment
9. Application of Law and Jurisdiction
10. How to contact us
【Special Reminder】 Please read carefully before using the Authing service (minors, please read it with a guardian) and understand this policy (especially the content marked in bold or underlined) to make an appropriate choice. Once you use or continue to use our products or services after we update this policy, it means that you agree to this policy and agree that we process your personal information in accordance with this policy.
This policy applies to Authing services. If there is any inconsistency with the similar terms of the "Professional Service Contract" between Authing and you, this policy shall prevail. If a single service we provide does not apply to this policy, the service will expressly exclude the application of this policy in an appropriate manner.
1. How we collect and use your personal information:
We collect your personal information mainly for you and other users to use the Authing service more easily and satisfactorily. And this personal information helps us achieve this goal.
A. We will collect and obtain your personal information through the following channels:
a. The personal information you provide.
ⅰ. The personal information you provide to us when you register for the Authing service account or use the Authing service, including your mobile phone number, and you can voluntarily choose to fill in your nickname, profile picture, gender, age, education, school, identity Certificate number, recipient’s name, recipient’s contact information, and basic information about the delivery address. If you only need to browse and understand Authing, you do not need to register an account and provide the above information. If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of the basic functions of Authing;
ⅱ. The shared personal information you provide to other parties through the Authing service, and the personal information stored when you use the Authing service.
Please note that if you upload or publish your personal information in a public area visible to other users in the Authing service, or disclose your personal information in your response to information uploaded or published by others, such personal information may be Collected and used by others, as long as you do not delete the personal information that you have disclosed or shared, the relevant personal information may remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared personal information, the relevant personal information may still be owned by other users or not under our control The third party independently caches, copies, or stores, or saves it in the public domain by other users or such third parties. If you disclose or share your personal information through the aforementioned channels, we will not be liable for the leakage of your personal information. Therefore, we remind and ask you to carefully consider whether to disclose or share your personal information through the above channels. When you find that others have improperly collected or used your personal information, you can contact us through the contact information stipulated in Article 9 of this Policy [How to Contact Us].
b. Your personal information shared by other parties. That is, the shared personal information about you provided by other parties when using the Authing service.
c. Your personal information we have obtained. When you use the Authing service, we collect, aggregate, and record personal information.
B. We will collect and use the following types of personal information of you for the following purposes:
a. Help you complete registration, login and logout
In order for us to provide you with a complete Authing service, you need to provide basic registration or login personal information, including using your mobile phone number to register and log in or provide a third-party account to log in to Authing. If you only need to use basic services such as browsing, querying, and searching, you do not need to register as an Authing user and provide the above-mentioned personal information.
b. Customer service and after-sales
In accordance with relevant laws and regulations and regulatory requirements, or when you contact us, our customer service or after-sales service may require you to provide real identity information (name, ID) and account information to verify your identity in order to help you with questions, Or record the solutions and results of related issues.
Please note that your identity information is personally sensitive information. Please provide it with caution. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to obtain related services, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions and services.
c. Maintain the normal operation of basic functions
During your use of our services, in order to identify the abnormal status of your account and understand the suitability of the product, provide you with services such as browsing, searching, registering/logging in, viewing and editing personal information, purchasing services/products, and paying, and maintaining basic functions In normal operation, we may automatically collect and store information about the services you use and how you use them and associate these information, including:
ⅰ. Log information: When you use our services, we may automatically collect your detailed usage of our services and save them as relevant web logs. Log information includes your login account, search query content, IP address, browser type, telecom operator, network environment, language used, access date and time, and web browsing records you visit, Push open records, crash records, Stay time, refresh record, publish record, follow, subscribe, favorite and share.
ⅱ. Device information: We may receive and record the device-related information (including device identifiers (IMEI/MAC/OPEN UDID), Serial, SIM card) according to the specific permissions granted by you during software installation and use. IMSI identification code, device model, operating system and version, client version, device resolution, package name, device settings, process and software list, Android ID, IDFA, UUID, software and hardware feature information), information about the location of the device (Including IP address, GPS location, and WLAN access point, Bluetooth and base station sensor information that can provide relevant personal information).
At the same time, in order to collect the above basic personal device information, we will apply for permission to access your device information. We collect this information to provide you with our basic services and basic functions. If you refuse to provide the above permissions, you may be unable to use it. Our products and services.
Please note that separate device information and log information are personal information that cannot identify a specific natural person. If we combine this type of non-personal information with other personal information to identify a specific natural person, or use it in combination with personal information, during the combined use period, this type of non-personal information will be treated as personal information, except for obtaining you Unless otherwise provided by authorization or laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify this type of personal information. During the combined use, this information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.
d. Provide you with goods or services
ⅰ. Sharing and publishing of personal information: When you use the Authing service, upload and/or publish personal information, and perform related actions, we will collect the personal information you upload, publish or form, and have the right to display your nickname , Avatar and post content.
ⅱ. Delivery of goods or services: When you order specific goods or services from our goods or services, we will generate an order for you to purchase the goods or services through the system. In order to facilitate the delivery to you of the goods or services you have purchased on Authing, you may need to provide the recipient's personal identification information, name, purchaser's subject and related information, orderer, contact number, and payment status information. If you refuse to provide such personal information, we will not be able to complete the relevant delivery services. If you order goods or services for others through the Authing service, you need to provide the aforementioned personal information of the actual orderer. Before providing us with the aforementioned personal information of the actual orderer, you need to ensure that you have obtained his authorization and consent.
When you use the Authing service, Authing will collect and store the pictures and voice information you upload, and our relevant recognition program will process and analyze these data.
ⅲ. In order to complete order payment, deliver goods or services, confirm transaction status, and provide you with after-sales and dispute resolution services, we will collect information related to the transaction progress through the transaction object, payment institution, logistics company, etc. you select based on the exchange. Your account number, order, transaction, payment, logistics information, or share your transaction information with the above-mentioned service providers.
ⅳ. Order management: In order to display the order information of your account and protect your after-sales rights and interests, Authing will collect the order information, transaction and consumption records generated during your use of Authing to show you and facilitate your order processing manage.
ⅴ. Customer service and after-sales service: When you contact our customer service or use other user response functions (including in-sales and after-sales applications, personal information protection complaints or suggestions, other customer complaints and needs), we may need you to provide necessary Personal information is used to match and verify your user identity in order to protect your account and system security. We may also save your contact information (used when you contact us or other contact information you voluntarily provide to us), your communication/call records and content with us, and other necessary information related to your needs, In order to contact you or help you solve the problem, or record the solution and result of the related problem.
e. Your personal information that we have collected indirectly:
We may obtain relevant personal information that you have authorized to share from management affiliates and third-party partners. We may obtain the account information (avatar, nickname, login time) that you authorized to share from a third party and bind your third-party account with your Authing service account after you agree to this policy, so that you can directly use the third-party account Log in and use our products and/or services. We will collect and use your personal information in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and in accordance with agreements with affiliates or third-party partners, and we are confident that the source of the personal information provided by them is legal.
f. Send you a notice
We may issue service-related notices to you when necessary (for example, when we suspend a single service, change, or terminate the provision of a single service due to system maintenance).
If you do not want to continue to receive our push messages, you can ask us to stop pushing, for example: according to the SMS unsubscription guidelines, ask us to stop sending promotional messages, or set up in the mobile device to no longer receive our push messages; but Except when we send messages in accordance with legal regulations or service agreements.
g. Provide you with security
In order to improve the security of your use of the services provided by us and our partners, protect the personal and property safety of you or other users or the public from infringement, and better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, network intrusions, etc. Security risks, to more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations or Authing service-related agreement rules, we may collect, use or integrate your account information, transaction information, device information, log information, and our affiliates and partners obtain your authorization Or use personal information shared by law to comprehensively judge your account and transaction risks, conduct identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary recording, auditing, analysis, and disposal measures in accordance with the law.
h. Other
You understand and agree that after collecting your personal information, we may de-identify the data through technical means. The de-identified information will not be able to identify you. In this case, we have the right to use the de-identified The user’s database is analyzed and used commercially without obtaining your consent.
Please note that if we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy or collect additional personal information that is not mentioned, we will separately ask you to agree in advance (the way to confirm consent: check, Pop-up window, station letter, mail, short message method). Once you agree, these additional uses will be regarded as part of this policy, and this policy will also apply to such additional personal information.
If we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy or collect additional personal information that is not mentioned, we will obtain additional information from you through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, or other methods. agree. During this process, you can contact us through the contact information stipulated in Article 9 of this policy [How to Contact Us].
i. Exceptions for obtaining authorization and consent
According to relevant laws and regulations, the collection of your personal information in the following situations does not require your authorization and consent:
ⅰ. It is related to the performance of the obligations stipulated by laws and regulations by the personal information controller;
ⅱ. It is directly related to national security and national defense security;
ⅲ. It is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
ⅳ. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
ⅴ. In order to protect the life and property of the personal information subject or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the authorization and consent of the person;
ⅵ. The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by the subject of personal information on his own initiative;
ⅶ. Necessary for signing and performing contracts according to the requirements of the personal information subject;
ⅷ. Collecting personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;
ⅸ. Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and disposing of product or service failures;
j. You understand and agree that the Authing service may require you to enable specific access permissions in your device to achieve the collection and use of personal information involved in these permissions:
ⅰ. If we visit your camera, it is for you to use the camera to scan the code and take pictures, which is used to realize login, use the "photograph" function to pay, comment on pictures, take photos with words, take pictures, translate and upload avatars;
ⅱ. If we visit your photo album, it is to enable you to access and upload photos, pictures or videos in your device, post comments/share, and upload avatars using pictures in the photo album;
ⅲ. If we visit your storage, it is to enable you to implement functions such as cropping avatar pictures and querying crash logs;
ⅳ. If we access your microphone, it is to enable you to implement voice translation functions, voice comments, voice interaction with customer service, and voice teaching interaction functions. In these functions, we will collect your recording content to identify your specific need.
ⅴ. If we visit your browser, it is to enable you to realize "automatic login" and other functions. In these functions, we will collect relevant data of your browser to identify specific needs.
When you need to turn off this feature, most mobile devices will support your need. For specific methods, please refer to or contact your mobile device service provider or manufacturer. Please note that if you enable any permission, you authorize us to collect and use relevant personal information to provide you with corresponding services. Once you close any permission, you cancel the authorization, and we will no longer continue to collect based on the corresponding permissions. And the use of related personal information cannot provide you with the services corresponding to this authority. However, your decision to turn off permissions will not affect your use of authorized functions of other permissions, as well as the collection and use of personal information previously based on your authorization.
k. Reminders about personal sensitive information
The above personal information provided by you or collected by us may contain your sensitive personal information, including bank account numbers, transaction and consumption records, virtual property information, system account numbers, email addresses and related passwords, phone numbers, web browsing Record, location information. Please be cautious and pay attention to sensitive personal information. You agree that we can process your sensitive personal information in accordance with the purposes and methods described in this policy.
2. How do we use Cookies or similar technologies
a. Cookies
We or our third-party partners may obtain and use your personal information through Cookies, and store such personal information as log information.
Through the use of Cookies, we provide you with a simple and personalized network experience. A cookie is a small amount of data, which is sent from a web server to your browser and stored on the computer hard drive. We use Cookies to benefit you. For example, in order to make the login process of Authing faster, you can choose to store the user name in a Cookies. This will be more convenient and faster next time you want to log in to the Authing service. Cookies can help us determine the page and content you are connected to, the time you spend on the Authing specific service and the Authing service you choose.
Cookies enables us to serve you better and faster, and makes your experience on the Authing service more personalized. However, you should be able to control whether and how Cookies are accepted by your browser. Please refer to the file attached to your browser for more information on this.
We and third-party partners may collect and use your personal information through Cookies, and store such personal information.
We use our own Cookies, which may be used for the following purposes:
(1) Remember your identity. Cookies helps us to recognize your identity as our registered user, or save your preferences or other personal information about you provided to us;
(2) Analyze your use of our services. We can use Cookies to understand what activities you use Authing services for, or which services or services are most popular;
(3) Advertising optimization. Cookies helps us to provide you with advertisements that are relevant to you based on your personal information instead of general advertising.
While we use Cookies for the above purposes, we may aggregate the non-personally identifiable information collected through Cookies to advertisers and other partners to analyze how you and other users use the Authing service and use it for advertising services.
There may be Cookies placed by advertisers and other partners on the Authing service. These Cookies may collect non-personally identifiable information related to you to analyze how users use these services, send you advertisements that may be of interest to you, or evaluate the effectiveness of advertising services. The collection and use of such personal information by these third-party Cookies is not restricted by this policy, but by their own personal information protection statement. We are not responsible for third-party Cookies.
You can reject or manage Cookies through the browser or user selection mechanism. However, please note that if you disable Cookies, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience, and some services may not be available normally. At the same time, you will still receive advertisements, but the relevance of these advertisements to you will be reduced.
b. Web beacons and pixel tags
In addition to Cookies, we also use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on our website. For example, the email we send you may contain an address link that links to the content of our website. If you click the link, we will track the click to help us understand your product or service preferences so that we can proactively improve customer service Experience. A web beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With the help of the pixel tags in the email, we can know whether the email has been opened. If you do not want your activities to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.
3. Personal information that we may share, transfer or disclose
a. Sharing
You agree that we share your personal information with our affiliates or related legal entities, and some business partners that cooperate with us (collectively referred to as "information recipients") in accordance with this policy. We will actively help you understand the storage and use of personal information by the information recipient, as well as your rights to access, correct, delete, and cancel your account. Except for the following circumstances, without your consent, we will not share your personal information with any third party other than us and our information recipient:
ⅰ. Provide you with our services. We may share your personal information with the information recipient to achieve the core functions you need or provide the services you need;
ⅱ. Maintain and improve our services. We may share your personal information with information recipients to help us provide you with more targeted and better services, for example: communication service providers that send emails or push notifications on our behalf;
ⅲ. To achieve the purpose stated in the section "How do we collect and use your personal information" in Article 1 of this policy;
ⅳ. Fulfill our obligations and exercise our rights in this policy or other agreements we have reached with you;
ⅴ. The purpose of sharing with the information recipients who entrust us to promote is to make the entrusting parties understand the coverage and effectiveness of the promotion. For example, we can tell the entrusting party how many people have viewed their promotion information or purchased the entrusting party’s goods after seeing this information, or provide them with unidentifiable statistical information to help them understand their audience or customers.
ⅵ. To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, in order to comply with the law, protect us and our affiliates or partners, you or other Authing users, or the public from damage to the interests, property or safety of the public, for example, to prevent fraud and other illegal activities and To reduce credit risk, we may exchange personal information with other companies and organizations. However, this does not include personal information that is sold, rented, shared or otherwise disclosed for profit in violation of the commitments made in this policy.
ⅶ. Assist in handling disputes or disputes between you and others in response to your legal needs;
ⅷ. Provide your personal information in response to the legal request of your guardian;
ⅸ. Provided in accordance with the service agreement signed with you (including the electronic agreement signed online and the corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;
ⅹ. Provided based on academic research;
ⅺ. Provided based on the public interest in compliance with laws and regulations.
We will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes. For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with them, requiring them to handle personal information in accordance with our instructions, this policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.
b. Transfer
ⅰ. With the continuous development of our business, we may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise, we will require that companies and organizations to re-seek authorization and consent from you.
ⅱ. After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties.
c. Disclosure
We will only disclose your personal information under the following circumstances and adopting industry-standard safety protection measures:
ⅰ. According to your needs, disclose your designated personal information in a disclosure method that you explicitly agree to;
ⅱ. In cases where your personal information must be provided in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, compulsory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose your personal information based on the type of personal information required and the method of disclosure. Under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, when we receive the above request for the disclosure of personal information, we will require the recipient to issue corresponding legal documents, such as subpoenas or investigation letters. We firmly believe that the personal information we are required to provide should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. We have carefully reviewed all requests to ensure that they have a legal basis and are limited to data obtained by law enforcement agencies for specific investigation purposes and have legal rights.
d. Exceptions for obtaining prior authorization and consent when sharing, transferring, or disclosing personal information
In the following situations, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent:
ⅰ. Related to personal information controllers fulfilling obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;
ⅱ. Related to national security and national defense security;
ⅲ. Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
ⅳ. Related to judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
ⅴ. In order to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person;
ⅵ. Your personal information disclosed to the public on your own;
ⅶ. Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.
According to laws and regulations, sharing and transferring personal information that has been de-identified, and ensuring that the data recipient cannot restore and re-identify the subject of personal information does not belong to the external sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of personal information. The storage and processing will not need to notify you separately and obtain your consent.
4. How do we keep, store and protect the security of your personal information
a. We only store your personal information for the period necessary for the purpose stated in this policy and within the time limit prescribed by laws, regulations and supervision. Authing's criteria for judging the aforementioned period include:
ⅰ. Complete transaction purposes related to you, maintain corresponding transaction and business records, and respond to your possible inquiries or complaints;
ⅱ. Ensure the safety and quality of the services provided by Authing;
ⅲ. Do you agree to a longer retention period;
ⅳ. Whether there is any other special agreement on the retention period.
After your personal information exceeds the retention period, Authing will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws (if you are a minor, after your personal information exceeds the retention period, Authing will follow Relevant laws and regulations require that your personal information be processed accordingly). If it is impossible to delete it in accordance with relevant requirements due to special circumstances, the platform will explain this part of the matter to you.
If we terminate the service or operation, we will promptly stop the activities of continuing to collect your personal information, and at the same time, we will comply with relevant laws and regulations to notify you in advance, and delete or anonymize your personal information after terminating the service or operation. Unless otherwise provided by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities.
b. The personal information collected and generated during our operations within the territory of the People's Republic of China is stored in the territory of China. Except in the following situations:
ⅰ. There are clear provisions in laws and regulations;
ⅱ. Obtain your authorization and consent;
ⅲ. The products and services you use involve cross-border, and we need to provide your personal information overseas.
In response to the above circumstances, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this policy and national laws and regulations.
c. We attach great importance to personal information security, designate specific personnel, and take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information:
ⅰ. Data security technical measures
We will adopt safety protection measures that comply with industry standards, including the establishment of reasonable system specifications and safety technologies to prevent your personal information from unauthorized access, use, modification, and data damage or loss. Network services adopt a variety of encryption technologies. For example, in some services, we will use encryption technology to protect your personal information, use encryption technology to encrypt and store your personal information, and isolate it through isolation technology. When using personal information, such as personal information display and personal information association calculations, we will use a variety of data desensitization technologies to enhance the security of personal information in use. Strict data access control and multi-identity authentication technology are adopted to protect personal information and prevent data from being used in violation of regulations.
ⅱ. Other security measures we take to protect personal information
(1) We manage and regulate the storage and use of personal information by establishing a data classification and grading system, data security management specifications, and data security development specifications.
(2) We conduct comprehensive security control of data through confidentiality agreements, monitoring and auditing mechanisms for personal information contacts.
(3) We will also organize security and privacy protection training courses to strengthen employees’ awareness and security awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.
(4) We only allow employees and partners of us and our affiliates who need to know this personal information to access your personal information, and we have set up strict access control and monitoring mechanisms for this purpose. We also require all personnel who may have access to your personal information to perform corresponding confidentiality obligations. If you fail to fulfill these obligations, you may be held accountable or be suspended from our cooperative relationship.
ⅲ. The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and the communication methods with other users such as e-mail, instant messaging, social software or other service software cannot be determined whether it is completely encrypted. We recommend that you use complex passwords when using such tools, and pay attention. Protect your personal information security.
ⅳ. We will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any personal information you send to us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of personal information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.
d. Security incident handling
In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and what you can independently prevent and reduce risks Suggestions, remedies for you, etc. At the same time, we will promptly notify you of the relevant information of the incident by email, letter, text message, phone call, push notification, etc. If it is difficult to inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to issue an announcement. At the same time, we will also proactively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.
Please understand that due to technical limitations and risk prevention limitations, even if we have tried our best to strengthen security measures, we cannot always guarantee the 100% security of personal information. You need to understand that the system and communication network you use to access the Authing service may cause problems due to circumstances beyond our control.
5. How to manage your personal information
We encourage you to update and modify your personal information to make it more accurate and effective. Please understand that your decision to correct, delete, withdraw your authorization or stop using the Authing service will not affect our previous personal information based on your authorization. Information processing.
You can manage your personal information in the following ways:
a. Access your personal information
ⅰ. Account personal information: If you want to access the basic personal information in your account (including avatar, nickname, birthday, company, address, etc.), you can log in to your account and access it through the "personal center".
ⅱ. Order personal information: You can check the status of all your orders in "Control Panel-Expense Management-Order Information".
b. Correct your personal information
If you want to correct the basic personal information in your account (including avatar, nickname, mobile phone number, etc.), you can log in to your account and make changes in the "Personal Center".
c. Delete your personal information
You can voluntarily delete part of your personal information through the methods listed in "(1) Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information". When some personal information is deleted, we may require you to verify your identity to protect the security of your personal information.
In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information:
ⅰ. If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;
ⅱ. If we collect and use your personal information, but have not obtained your authorization;
ⅲ. If our handling of personal information seriously violates our agreement with you;
ⅳ. If we no longer provide you with Authing service.
If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us as much as possible at the same time, requiring them to delete them in a timely manner, unless laws and regulations provide otherwise, or these entities obtain your independent authorization.
d. Change the scope of your authorization
You can always choose whether to disclose personal information. Some personal information is necessary to use the Authing service, but the provision of most other personal information is up to you. You can change the scope of your authorization to continue to collect personal information by "deleting personal information, turning off device functions, or canceling your account" in the methods listed in "This Article (1) Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information" or through the ninth of this policy. Article [How to Contact Us] Contact us with the agreed contact information to withdraw your authorization. Under normal circumstances, we will reply within 15 days.
e. Cancel your account
If you no longer use the Authing service, you can log in to the process shown in "Authing"-"Personal Center"-"Security Level"-"Account Logout" if it complies with the stipulated conditions of the service agreement and relevant national laws and regulations. Or contact us to cancel your account in the contact information stipulated in Article 9 of this Policy [How to Contact Us]. Generally, we will cancel your account within 15 working days, at which time we will stop providing you with Authing services. When your account is cancelled or deleted, all service information and data under the Authing service related to that account will be deleted or anonymized, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
f. Obtaining a copy of personal information: You can contact us through the email service channel and inform us that you want to obtain a copy of your personal information. Generally, we will receive your question ten days after receiving your question. Respond within five days.
g. Responding to your above request
To ensure safety, you may need to provide a written request or prove your identity in other ways. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. For your reasonable requests, we do not charge fees in principle, but for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain cost as appropriate. For those who are unreasonably repeated, require too many technical means (for example, the need to develop new systems or fundamentally change current practices), bring risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very impractical (for example, involving information stored on backup tapes) Request, we may reject it.
In the following situations, we will not be able to respond to your request:
ⅰ. Related to our fulfillment of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;
ⅱ. It is directly related to national security and national defense security;
ⅲ. It is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
ⅳ. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
ⅴ. We have sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;
ⅵ. In order to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person;
ⅶ. Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;
ⅷ. Involving commercial secrets.
6. Third-party services
The Authing service may be linked to social media or other services (including websites or other forms of services) provided by third parties. include:
a. You can use the "Share" button to share certain Authing service content to third-party services, or you can share third-party service content to Authing. These functions may collect your information (including your log information), and may install Cookies on your computer to operate the above functions normally;
b. We provide you with links through advertisements or other methods of our services, so that you can link to third-party services or websites;
c. Other access to third-party services. In order to achieve the purpose stated in this policy, we may access SDK or other similar applications provided by third-party service providers, and share certain information about you collected by us in accordance with this policy to such third-party service providers. In order to provide better customer service and user experience. Currently, the third-party service providers we access mainly include the following types:
ⅰ. For advertising-related services, including advertising display, advertising data monitoring/statistics, etc.;
ⅱ. Used for message push functions, including push push from mobile phone manufacturers, reminders of specific events, etc.;
ⅲ. For payment-related services, including order payment, transaction verification, income settlement, payment information summary statistics, etc.;
ⅳ. It is used to obtain device location permissions, collect device information and log information, etc. with your consent;
ⅴ. Used for third-party authorization services, including third-party account login, sharing relevant content to third-party products, etc.;
ⅵ. Used to support product functional modules, including online live broadcast, video playback, voice recognition, intelligent customer service, content storage, etc.;
Some third-party SDKs or similar applications that we access may collect your personal information. If you use such third-party services in our services, you agree that they will directly collect and process your information. We will evaluate the legality, legitimacy, and necessity of personal information collected by such third-party services, and require these third parties to take protective measures for your personal information, and strictly abide by relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements. You can also choose to contact us through the feedback channels listed in the "How to Contact Us" section of this policy, and we will answer you as soon as possible.
The services mentioned above are operated by relevant third parties. Your use of such third-party services (including any personal information you provide to such third parties) is subject to the third party's own terms of service and personal information protection statement (not this policy), and you need to read its terms carefully. We will only share your information for legitimate, necessary, and specific purposes. We will require them to fulfill relevant confidentiality obligations and take corresponding security measures.
7. Protection of minors
If you are a minor under the age of 18, please be sure to ask your guardian to read this policy carefully and use our services or provide us with personal information with the consent of your guardian. We will protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. If the guardian finds that the relevant minor’s personal information is filled out by the minor himself and needs to be modified or deleted, please feel free to contact us.
In particular, if you are a child under the age of 14, please notify your guardian and seek their consent and guidance before you use the Authing service and submit personal information.
8. Notification and Amendment
We may revise the terms of this policy in due course, and such revisions form part of this policy. For major changes, we will provide more noticeable notifications. If you do not agree with the changes, you can choose to stop using the Authing service; if you continue to use the Authing service, you agree to be bound by this revised policy.
We encourage you to review our privacy policy every time you use the Authing service.
We may issue service-related announcements when necessary (for example, when we suspend a certain service due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these service-related announcements that are not promotional in nature.
Finally, you must keep your account and password information confidential. In any case, please keep it carefully and properly.
9. Application of law and jurisdiction
If there is a dispute, the two parties will resolve the dispute through negotiation; if the two parties cannot resolve the dispute through negotiation, both parties agree that the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") will conduct arbitration in Beijing, China in accordance with CIETAC's effective arbitration rules and applicable laws. The language of the arbitration It is in Chinese and will be heard by 3 arbitrators.
10. How to contact us
The contact address of Beijing Steamory Technology Co., Ltd. is: Floor 16, Block B, Beichen Century Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing. We will protect your personal information in accordance with this policy.
We have designated personal information protection personnel, if you have complaints and reports about personal information security, or you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this policy, your personal information related matters, and privacy measures related to this policy or Authing If you have any questions, please contact us: Tel: 400-6197-031; Email address:
Under normal circumstances, we will reply within fifteen days from the date of receiving your questions, comments or suggestions.